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#492-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt (TV Version Pilot)
#500-Keith Thibodeaux, Jimmy Garrett, Larry Anderson
#501-Burt DuBrow (Howdy Doody Tribute)
#502-Mark Rothman (Comedy Writer/Producer)
#503-John Rappaport (Comedy Writer/Producer)
#504-Lloyd Schwartz (Comedy Writer/Producer)
#505-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#506-Jerry Beck
#507-Ed Asner
#508-Stan Taffel (Collecting TV shows)
#509-Burt DuBrow (Paul Winchell Tribute)
#510-Jeff Bergman (Cartoon Voice Actor)
#511-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#512-Dick DeBartolo, Mark Arnold, Adam Nedeff
#513-Jerry Beck
#514-Paul Petersen
#515-Donna Loren
#516-Tony Benedict (Hanna-Barbera Writer)
#517-Roger Dobkowitz, CJ Wallis ("Perfect Bid" Doc)
#518-Wesley Hyatt, Bob Mills, Jim Hardy (Bob Hope on TV)
#519-Jerry Beck
#520-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#521-Lloyd Schwartz
#522-Michael Schlesinger, Will Ryan, Nick Santa Maria
#523-Walter Koenig, Tony Dow, Chuck Harter
#524-John Rappaport
#525-Joel Higgins, Bob Illes
#526-Wesley Hyatt, Mark Evanier
#527-Tony Dow, Joey D. Vieira
#528-Jerry Eisenberg, Willie Ito, Tony Benedict
#529-Joyce Bulifant

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
#530-Stan Taffel (Cinecon Preview I)
#531-Michael Cole
#532-Adrienne Barbeau
#533-Bob Leszczak (Single Season Sitcoms I)
#534-Tom Watson, Jimmy Garrett (Lucy Conventions I)
#535-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#536-Dick DeBartolo, Mark Evanier, Adam Nedeff
#537-Jerry Beck
#538-Marion Ross
#539-Neil Ross (Voiceover Actor)
#540-Beverly Washburn
#541-Bob Bergen, Mark Evanier
#542-Josh Mills (Ernie Kovacs Tribute)
#543-Jerry Beck
#544-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#545-Scott Shaw!, Mark Arnold (Alvin Show Tribute)
#546-Will Mackenzie (Actor/Director)
#547-Stuart Pankin, Anne Bloom
#548-Keith Scott, Billy West (Impressionists)
#549-Lloyd Schwartz, Barbara Mallory
#550-Joel Tator (TV Producer/History of KTLA)
#551-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#552-Jerry Beck
#553-Stan Taffel (Cinecon Preview II)
#554-Ron DeFore (son of Don DeFore)
#555-Jimmy Weldon
#556-Tom Watson, Donovan Scott (Lucy Conventions II)
#557-John Barbour
#558-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#559-Dick DeBartolo, Kathy Garver, Tony Benedict, Ron Friedman
#560-Jerry Beck

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
#561-Gary Goltz, Ralph Schiller, Mike Clark (Highway Patrol Tribute)
#562-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt, Mark Evanier
#563-Evelyn Rudie, Chris DeCarlo
#564-John Barbour
#565-Jerry Beck
#566-Mark Evanier
#567-Marc Copage
#568-Ruth Clampett (Bob Clampett Tribute)
#569-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#570-Ed Asner
#571-Billy Van Zandt
#572-Dr. Demento
#573-John Barbour
#574-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#575-Jerry Beck
#576-Stan Taffel Cinecon Preview III)
#577-Karen Dotrice
#578-Tom Watson (Lucy Conventions III)
#579-Paul Harris (Radio Talk Show Host)
#580-John Barbour, Steve Beverly (JFK Assassination)
#581-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#582-Dick DeBartolo, David Koenig, Steven C. Smith
#583-Jerry Beck
#584-Mark Maxwell-Smith, Martin Grams (Truth or Consequences Tribute)
#585-Wesley Hyatt (Betty White on TV)
#586-Bob Leszczak (Single Season Sitcoms II)
#587-Arnold Leibovit (George Pal/Puppetoons Tribute)
#588-Jerry Beck
#589-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#590-Scott and Lisa Land (Puppeteers)
#591-Lex Passaris (Director, "Golden Girls")
#592-Rich Correll
#593-John Eimen
#594-Steve Langford, Sandy Stein-Langford (TV Writers)
#595-David Pollack, Elias Davis (TV Writers/Producers)
#596-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#597-Ruta Lee
#598-Jerry Beck
#599-Stan Taffel (Cinecon Preview IV)
#600-Tom Watson, Rick Carl (70 Years of "I Love Lucy")
#601-Stanley Livingston, Barry Livingston
#602-John Barbour
#603-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#604-Jordan R. Young, David Koenig, Mark Shaw, Dick DeBartolo
#605-Jerry Beck, Arnold Leibovit
#606-Lex Passaris
#607-Monte Markham
#608-Bob Leszczak (Single Season Sitcoms)
#609-Mark Maxwell-Smith
#610-Alexis Hunter, Mark Arnold
#611-Jerry Beck
#612-Steve Beverly, Wesley Hyatt
#613-Shotgun Tom Kelly
#614-John Barbour
#615-CJ Wallis, Mallory Kennedy, Jeanine Kasun (Making of "Stu's Show Doc")
#616-Nico Cartenstadt (Laurel and Hardy: After the Laughter)
#617-Randy West (TV Inside and Out)
#618-David DeLuise
#619-Wesley Hyatt, Mark Evanier
#620-Rich Correll, Lex Passaris
#621-Jerry Beck, Arnold Leibovit
#622-Stan Taffel (Cinecon 58 Preview)
#623-Sharon Baird, Beverly Washburn

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